July 25, 2022

Common Questions About Hearing Loss

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Common Questions About Hearing Loss

Hearing loss doesn’t just go away, and it shouldn’t be ignored. There’s a lot of bad information out there about hearing loss, drops, warm compresses and other home remedies aren’t going to “cure” hearing loss. What you need is a hearing test at the Hearing Spa to determine if you have hearing loss and then a program to treat it. Hearing tests are painless, noninvasive and should be done at least once a year. Let’s look at some of the common questions about hearing loss and then schedule an appointment to get the rest of your questions handled.

What Are The Causes Of Hearing Loss?

Age related hearing loss affect one in three people in the United States between the ages of 65 and 75. But hearing loss can occur in any age and hearing loss can also occur because of noise.

One loud, sharp noise can damage your hearing and loud noise, like at a factory, over a period of time, can also damage your hearing. Either type of hearing loss is treatable. A loud noise, over 85 decibels, damages the hair cells in your inner ear. These microscopic cells perched on tiny hairs in your inner ear are not repairable if they are damaged nor do they regenerate.  Firearms, motorcycles, lawn mowers, power boats and power tools fall into the loud noise category. If you come home from work and your ears feel full, seem to tingle or ring and conversation sounds muffled, you are suffering the effects of loud noise. It may go away, but the damage is done. Hearing loss related to aging is presbycusis and it occurs as we age. It is gradual and happens in both ears. You typically notice age related hearing loss when you start having difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds.

How Are Hearing Loss And Your General Health Connected?

Studies in the U.S. and abroad show people with untreated hearing loss are more accident prone. Coping with everyday life when you have hearing loss causes your brain to work overtime processing sound and that means your other senses suffer. That includes your sense of balance as well as the way your brain helps you avoid tripping and senses objects around you. People with hearing loss are more prone to depression because they isolate themselves from others. They don’t want to deal with explaining why they didn’t hear something or didn’t answer a question. They are embarrassed they don’t understand a server at a restaurant and movies and theater productions are difficult to understand. It’s easier to stay home and keep turning up the television. Trying to process sound when you are only hearing parts and pieces is physically and mentally exhausting.

Am I Only Losing My Hearing In One Ear?

You may think you are hearing better in one ear, but it is more likely both ears are affected. Age related hearing loss occurs in both ears and most types of hearing loss are corrected with hearing aids in both ears. Hearing aids work better when they are process sound from ear to ear.

Am I Too Young To Have Hearing Loss?

Six million people between the ages of 18 and 44 in the United States have some hearing loss and more than 1 million school-age children have hearing loss. Though hearing loss is commonly found among people over the age of 65, it can affect people of all ages.

Can’t I Just “Get Used” To Hearing Loss?

When your vision needed correcting you got glasses or contacts, right? When your doctor suggested a simple procedure to take care of your cataracts, you had it done, didn’t you? If you are having trouble hearing, it makes perfect sense to have it corrected. Further reading: Why Pretending to Hear Doesn't Work.

Won’t Hearing Aids Make Everything Too Loud?

Hearing aids are tiny fabulous modulating amplifiers. They adjust directionally to sound and help you pick out conversation sound from background noise. Many of the new models remember if you adjusted them at a certain location and re-adjust when you return to that location.

Will I Be Able To Hear Right Away With Hearing Aids?

You will have immediate access to amplified sound, but there is an adjustment period with hearing aids. Your ears and your brain have to catch up with sound processing. Most people adjust within three weeks and are very happy with their hearing aids. We can go through the hearing aid models with you at the Hearing Spa. The first thing to do is call and schedule an appointment.

Written by
Reviewed by
Dr. Victoria L. Moore
Lead Audiologist
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Dr. Victoria Moore (Vicky) serves as President as well as Lead Audiologist at The Hearing Spa. She moved to the USA from England in 1991 and has been serving the communities of Sarasota and Bradenton for over 20 years. Her independent audiology practice focuses on adult hearing loss, tinnitus management, as well as Cochlear Implant services.


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